Modular skid and unit
Development of a plant unit partly or fully, off-site, helps optimizing efficiency of the manufacturing process.

Modular skid and unit
The most economic and simplest way to improve a project quality and reduce the burden on the on-site production units is to develop a part of the plant unit or the entire plant off-site making it suitable for transport. Modular Skid units are used for optimizing the efficiency in manufacturing processes. The skid units are built off-site so as to bring about improvement in project quality and reduce the build-up time. Large systems can be broken down into multiple skids that can be placed on a modular frame for easy movement. This reduces the economic and manual burden on-site, making the entire plant portable. Multi skid units can be built up and can work as a single unit operating as the entire plant. This leads to better quality and faster completion times.
At FABEX we have expertise in developing customized complex skid units mounted on a frame. The skid units can be built as a part of the operation of the plant or multi-skid units can operate in series as per the plant operation. The entire system built at our site, helps the clients have faster installations. Our structural design is developed according to international standards which is capable of withstanding severe weather conditions. The Tie-in layout helps the clients to identify process and utility piping with ease.